What is Tendonitis?

Why a Chiropractor is the First Place You Should Go For Tendonitis

Tendonitis is an inflammation or irritation of a tendon, which is the thick fibrous cord that attaches muscle to bone. This condition often results from repetitive movements or overuse(ie; tennis elbow after too much tennis), leading to pain, tenderness, and mild swelling in the affected area.

Common Types of Tendonitis

Tendonitis can occur at almost any joint in the body. Elbow tendonitis (Golfers & Tennis) and shoulder (biceps) are the most common

While tendonitis can occur anywhere in the body, certain areas are more prone to this issue due to their frequent use and the stress we place on them. Here are a few common types:

1. Bicipital Tendonitis

 This affects the tendon that connects the bicep muscle to the shoulder. It is often seen in athletes or individuals who engage in repetitive overhead motions. I see this most commonly in my practice when patients max out on bench press without proper shoulder and rotator cuff maintenance. 

2. Golfer's Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)

 Despite its name, you don’t have to be a golfer to experience this type of tendonitis. It involves inflammation of the tendons that attach to the inner side of the elbow, causing pain that may extend along the inner side of the forearm. Unfortunately when this goes untreated it causes athletes to see significant decreases in their game, and in some cases the decrease in performance in combination with the pain every time you perform a motion is enough to lose interest in the sport altogether. 

3. Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)

 Common among tennis players and others who repeatedly use their forearm muscles, this condition affects the tendons on the outer side of the elbow, leading to pain and discomfort.

Common Treatments for Tendonitis

Chiropractors Do A Lot More Than Adjust the Spine

Managing tendonitis usually involves reducing inflammation and addressing the underlying cause of irritation. Here are some standard treatment options:

1. Rest

 Giving the affected tendon time to heal is crucial but with the right guidance, rehabilitation exercises can and should be implemented quickly.

2. Ice Therapy

Applying ice packs to the inflamed area can help reduce swelling and pain.

3. Physical Therapy

Exercises designed to strengthen the muscles and tendons around the affected area can aid recovery - but before you start a routine - consult a PT or chiropractor , the last thing you want to do is invest time and effort into rehabilitating the wrong diagnosis. This can prolong or worsen the condition. 

4. Anti-inflammatory Medications

Over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen can help alleviate pain and swelling but remember, anti-inflammatories will only less pain and inflammation,  if your tendonitis started from repetitive movements, yours habits will need to be changed to avoid the pain returning or worsening. 

5. Braces or Supports

 Using a brace can reduce strain on the affected tendon during daily activities until it is fully rehabilitated. 

Why See a Chiropractor First?

 You might wonder why seeing a chiropractor should be your first step in dealing with tendonitis. Here are a few compelling reasons:

1. Holistic Approach

Chiropractors focus on the entire musculoskeletal system. We aim to address not just the symptoms but also the root cause of tendonitis, ensuring a more comprehensive and lasting solution. For example; one approach to bicipital tendonitis is pain killers for that particular area in the form of injections, topicals or oral medication. The chiropractic approach looks into what muscular imbalances, joint restrictions or abnormal mechanics may have started this tendon pain in the first place. 

2. Non-Invasive Care

Chiropractic care offers a non-invasive and drug-free alternative to managing pain. Techniques such as adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and specific exercises can enhance healing without the need for medication or surgery.

3. Personalized Treatment Plans

Everyone’s body is unique, and so is their experience with tendonitis. Chiropractors provide personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs, lifestyle, and health goals.

4. Prevention Strategies

Beyond treatment, chiropractors can offer advice on posture, ergonomics, and exercises to help prevent the recurrence of tendonitis. 

5. Enhanced Mobility and Function

Chiropractic adjustments can help improve joint function and mobility, which can be particularly beneficial if tendonitis has limited your movement.

Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments to the Extremities

Having a Chiropractor Adjust the Joints of Your Arms and Legs Can Provide Significant Relief

 Chiropractic adjustments are not just for the spine; they can also significantly benefit the extremities, including the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles. These adjustments help restore proper alignment and function to the joints, alleviating pain and improving mobility. By addressing misalignments and joint restrictions, chiropractic care can enhance circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote healing in the extremities.

Additionally, adjustments can improve athletic performance and reduce the risk of injury by ensuring optimal joint function. Whether you're dealing with an acute injury or chronic pain, chiropractic adjustments to the extremities can help you achieve better health and an active lifestyle.

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