Tampa Chiropractor with a Holistic Approach
The majority of health conditions are completely preventable. If you give your body what it needs to thrive - health comes naturally.
Walk-In & Same Day Appointments
We like to spend a little extra time with our new patients, but we understand some conditions need to be treated right away.
If you need to be seen today, please call ahead. We can check insurance benefits and reserve space in the day's schedule to give you the time you need for your first visit.
And yes, this is a chiropractor that takes insurance!
Call Now 813-374-2930
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Choosing the Right Chiropractor In The Tampa Area
We Focus On The Three Fundamentals of Good Health
1. Move often
2. Eat naturally
3. Rest & Recover consistently
With expert chiropractic treatments, nutritional therapies and individualized care, Green Space Health aims be your guide to living healthy in today's world.
People have an inborn desire to live naturally.
Let us be your guide to good health.
Chiropractic Nutrition Therapy - Navigate the Standard American Diet
Cleansing, Supplementing and Detoxing to Support A Healthy Body
The average American sees more fluorescent light than sunlight, eats highly processed calories in place of organic nutrients and rushes through life in a constant state of fight or flight stress. These all contribute to chronic disease.
What Does a Chiropractor Do?
How to Choose the Best Chiropractor in Tampa for You.
If you found us, you are probably not the type of person to accept that drugs and surgery are the best options. There is a time and place for both, but they are rarely the only option.
Maybe you need a quick reminder that you already possess all the tools necessary to heal yourself.
The Body Has The Ability to Heal Itself.
The Brain-Body Connection
The brain-body connection relies on continuous communication between the brain and the body's organs, muscles, and joints through the nervous system. Every signal traveling from the body to the brain must pass through the spine. When the spinal joints are properly aligned and moving as they should, these messages can reach the brain without interference.
The primary focus of Chiropractic is to identify the dysfunctional joints and restore proper mobility with gentle, focused adjustments.
If the brain can give and receive clear signals from the rest of the body, it can begin to heal itself.
The Best Chiropractor Has A Plan Made For You and Your Health Needs

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