The average adult tends to get stuck into routines.
Not just daily habits but also the same physical movement routines.
When you were a kid you probably ran, jumped, climbed, swam, rolled and tumbled regularly.
What does your movement routine look like as an adult?
This lack of movement can contribute to pain, stiffness and degeneration. With very little time commitment you can follow the routine below and start feeling an improvement immediately.
The 3 Best Mobility Exercises For Back Pain & Stiffness
1. Apple Pickers
One of my all time favorite recommendations to patients that feel stiff and restricted.
- Sit in a low squat position with your arms hanging down so that your fingertips touch the ground.
- Keep your back straight and with 1 arm at a time reach straight up as if you were picking an apple directly above your head.
- Bring your arm back down so fingertips touch the ground and alternate with the other arm.
Feel the muscles of your back, particularly your latissimus dorsi, or “lats”, elongate as you move through this motion.
Ten reps should be enough to feel the effect but try as many or as little as you feel comfortable with for your fitness level.
2. Hip raise and rotation
- In a standing position bend your knee so that you are on one leg.
- Now rotate the bend knee/leg away from your body in a lateral position to open your hip
- Lower the leg down to your side
- Bend the knee again, lift the leg and return to its initial position.
Place a yoga block or small stool in front of you as a guide
If you have balance issues simply attempt this while holding on to the back of a chair or stable furniture.
3. Scorpion pose.
This is a little more advanced but very effective.
- Lay flat on the ground, face down.
- Take your right leg and try to touch the floor on the left side of your body with your toes
- Bring your right leg back to its original position and try the left side.
Focus on keep your hips flat on the floor when performing this exercise.
These 3 simple exercises can be done in under ten minutes and have a profound effect on the way your body feels. You may even start to feel relief today.
If you are having any pain or discomfort - see a chiropractor or healthcare professional prior to starting any type of exercise routines.
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Dr. Mike Sebastian
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